Collaborative Learning Manager: System Overview

Partnership based delivery of off-site learning calls for strong management of both duty or care issues and the quality of delivery.

Collaborative Learning Manager (CLM) delivers a fast and intuitive web interface that links home schools with alternative or off-site providers. CLM is a cost effective, easy to use and time-efficient framework to improve learner safety measures and course outcomes:

As all data is saved and is immediately accessible to all authorised users. CLM is an ideal management tool for Partnerships to monitor learners’ attendance and progress whilst they attend off-site provision along with quality assurance of providers. The flexible reporting system provides up to the minute information for Partnership Managers, schools and training providers.

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Contact Details

T: + 44 (0) 121 506 9400
F: + 44 (0) 121 506 9405

Company Address

Blythe Valley Innovation Centre
Central Boulevard
Blythe Valley Park
B90 8AJ

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